Updated & previously named "Held Hostage By Health Anxiety"

Previously named "Held Hostage By Health Anxiety"

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"Health Anxiety Is Ruining My Life!"

Get "Health Anxiety Is Ruining My Life!"

This book is your lifeline out of health anxiety's grip. Discover proven strategies to break free, thrive, and reclaim your peace and joy. If you long to escape health anxiety's hold and embrace life once more, this book is your guide to a brighter future!

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"Once again, Tamryn has taken her personal experiences with Anxiety and created a book that validates the concerns of so many who are struggling. Held Hostage by Health Anxiety provides a sense of comfort and reassurance. It’s raw and real. Thank you again, Tamryn." - Jackie

Why I Wrote This Book...

A personal note from Tamryn, author, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and anxiety warrior...

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If you are here then I am sorry.

If you are reading these words, then it means that you suffer with health anxiety and I would not wish that nightmare on anyone.

When I think back to my very darkest days, where I was in the grip of fear and obsessing over every single symptom and sensation, genuinely believing I was dying, it’s all one big blur.

I can remember my fears vividly, make no mistake, but the rest of my life at that time… not so much.

I was completely consumed in my health anxiety hell bubble and it was hard to focus on anything else, as I am sure you know.

Since opening up online about my own experience with health anxiety and how it ruled my life for many years, there is one type of message I get over and over again:

“I don’t understand how you know exactly how I am feeling.”

“I don’t know how you are able to put into words what I have not been able to my whole life.”

I know how mind-bending it can be, seeing the feelings you have suffered with for years put into words in front of your eyes.

Feelings that you have suffered with on your own.

You may feel sweet relief, knowing that you are not alone and there are actually other humans out there who are the same as you, but you may also feel waves of overwhelming emotion bubble up as this realization sinks in.

It’s one thing to see the words “You are not alone” another thing entirely to actually believe them, to feel them with all your heart.

I don’t create content that is relatable af because I have some secret powers.

The secret is simple… I was you.

I was exactly where you may be, lost in a world of fear that had me stuck and unable to move forward.

Health anxiety isn’t just worrying about your health, oh no.

Health anxiety is genuinely believing that your days on earth are numbered and that any day now your biggest fears will come true.

Trying to focus on anything feels like trying to walk on ice as you continually lose your footing and end up back on Google and those online forums that send spikes of fear through your body as the addiction grows.

Telling a hypochondriac to relax is like hoping a toddler will fall asleep after hyping them up on sugar.

We don’t relax, our job is to worry, it is all we know.

I have thought about this book for a while.

I have suffered so terribly with health anxiety over the years that I know how much relief can come from simply reading someone else’s story.

In my first book, "Help! Why Am I So Anxious?!" I share my story living with GAD, panic disorder and I touch on health anxiety too. I wrote my second book, my "Anxiety A to Z" Encyclopedia as your new daily reference as I know the Googling habit gets you nowhere.

I realized that I wanted to write another book… this time focusing solely on my health anxiety story from when I was a teen until now.

It’s going to be a ride for both of us.

I hope that if you have never believed the words “You are not alone” or still feel some skepticism come up when you do see them, that this book will prove to you that you are not.

See how you feel by the end of it.

This book is for you if:

• Every single day you are worrying about a symptom/s

• You are finding it hard to be present and live your day to day life as your mind is consumed in mind-numbing fear

• You genuinely believe that you are dying and are waiting for it to be “confirmed”

• You actively avoid shows/books and anything else that could trigger a health anxiety spiral

When you do hear about illness you automatically believe you have it too and may even start experiencing the same symptoms

You either live at the doctor or are constantly canceling appointments

You Google or check your body to the point you feel like you are losing your mind

You feel extremely low, not able to believe that any other way of life is truly possible

In this book, you'll discover:

The empowering mindfulness techniques I used to finally stop myself from spiraling down the rabbit hole of what-ifs and worst case scenarios

How I overcame my severe Googling addiction that only fueled my health anxiety fire

The thought-challenging strategies I employed to deflate my certainty that I was dying from something dreadful

​​My secret weapons for sitting with uncertainty and anxiety without letting it consume me

The strategies and lifestyle changes I followed to put health anxiety in its place for good - and reclaim my freedom

Here's exactly what you'll be getting:

Read it on your phone, Kindle, or computer!

Chapter 1

The nightmare inside my head begins. We go back to where it all began. How a simple sensation spiraled into a nightmare inside my head - one that haunted me 24/7. I expose the specific symptoms, irrational fears, and obsessive worries that ignited my health anxiety. You'll nod your head as I describe the endless spiral of "what ifs." The sleepless nights fretting over the smallest change. The anxiety that sank its claws in and wouldn't let go. Gain strength knowing you're not alone in this inner battle. Discover how to stop this darkness from hijacking your mind too.

Chapter 2

The terror of twitching muscles and swollen glands. We dive into some of my most terrifying health anxieties around my teenage years. The muscle twitches and swollen glands that convinced me of dire illness. You'll relate as I describe catatastrophizing every minor symptom, grasping for answers from doctors.

Chapter 3

Ah, here we get into the endless poking and prodding that drove my body into madness. The agony of constantly examining and testing every part of yourself. I discuss how "checking" for lumps, sensations, or changes hijacked my days. Discover you're not alone in this exhausting ritual so you can stop viewing your body as the enemy to be probed. Reclaim your power from the impulse to endlessly check and test.

Chapter 4

The agony of obsessive thoughts! Health anxiety enters a new hellish level when obsessive thoughts come into the picture. The constant ruminating and obsessing that infiltrate every moment. I open up about when my OCD merged with hypochondria - dialing up the mental agony. Apply my best strategies to free yourself from the prison of obsessive thinking and constant mental reviewing. Rediscover the lightness of being present.

Chapter 5

Lumps, pains, and strange sensations. Thanks to anxiety, normal aches or changes became terrifying symptoms of disease. I share how GAD had me panicking over 14 common lumps, pains and odd sensations. The heart flutters that had to mean my heart was about to fail. The bruises that surely meant I must have a blood clot. The dizziness that made me believe my blood pressure was elevated. Find relief when health worries make you catastrophize every minor issue.

Chapter 6

Brace yourself for the doctor visit story that deserved its own chapter. I hold nothing back detailing my experience from hell - one rife with confusion, frustration, and outright negligence. You'll cringe in recognition as I describe the dismissive treatment, cursory exam, and failure to provide any real answers. Feel the mounting agony as my worries are ignored again and again.

Chapter 7

Impossible to ignore yet so triggering - we dive into how social media intensified my health anxiety spiral. I open up about the agony of stumbling upon fears, symptoms, and frightening stories everywhere online. Relate as I discuss falling down endless rabbit holes of unhelpful health forums and groups. Learn how anxiety distorts what we notice, trapping us in a bubble of scary content and misinformation.

Chapter 8

This chapter bravely tackles when health anxiety goes too far - morphing into a terrifying fixation on death. I share intimately about my periods of debilitating death anxiety. The constant conviction my end was near, compelled to stare down the grim reaper everywhere. If your health worries have ever veered into catastrophic thinking about dying, this one's for you.

Chapter 9

With raw honesty, I open up about still having bad health anxiety days. Yet now, they're manageable - no longer all-consuming. If you fear there's no light beyond the darkness, this chapter is for you. Learn how my mindset shifted from helpless to empowered. Unveil the freedom that comes with accepting anxiety may always be there in some capacity - yet no longer defines you. End the chapter with renewed hope and belief in your strength.

Imagine what it would feel like to break free from the prison of health anxiety...

Picture waking up feeling truly well rested, with a sense of lightness – instead of anxiety weighing down your morning. Starting your day focusing on the possibilities ahead, not dreading what symptoms may come.

Envision going through your routine without obsessively checking your body hundreds of times. No more constantly monitoring for lumps, tingles or aches that spike your panic. Feeling in control and balanced.

You used to count down the minutes until your next symptom check – now you lose yourself in projects you’re passionate about. Living life instead of fearing it at every turn.

See yourself trusting in your body’s strength and healing abilities. Your body as an ally, not an enemy to be scrutinized. You and your body united and thriving together.

When you feel a new sensation, you stay calm and carry on. You know it will pass and obsessive worrying never helped. You’ve tamed the inner alarm that once overwhelmed you.

Feel the confidence and assurance that you can handle whatever comes. No more immediately spiraling to catastrophic what-ifs and worst case scenarios. Just steady faith things will be okay.

frequently asked questions

Who is Tamryn, again?

Tamryn is a Holistic Nutritionist, and the founder of the online anxiety community "Honestly Holistic" on Instagram, TikTok, and more. She positively uses her experiences struggling with anxiety for years and through trial and error finding what helped her, to now help others. She is also the author of two other books, "Help! Why Am I So Anxious?!" and "Anxiety A to Z" Encyclopedia.

How do I read the eBook?

You can view the eBook on your computer/laptop, smartphone, or any e-reader device you have. Instructions to view on each device is sent through email once you place your order.

Is the eBook available to buy on Amazon Kindle?

Currently this page is the only way you can order the eBook. However when you purchase, you do get a file which is compatible with your Kindle.

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Once you purchase you will be sent two emails. The first, contains your receipt. The second, contains your eBook download links. Please note, it may take up to 10 minutes for the second email to arrive in your inbox.

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Since this is a digital purchase, there are no refunds once you place your order. If you do not receive your eBook in your email inbox within 10 minutes after purchasing, please email support at support@honestlyholistic.com

What happens if I have questions after purchasing?

If you have any questions regarding your purchase, please send an email with your order number and email address you used to purchase to: support@honestlyholistic.com

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Do you offer student discounts?

Yes! Send an email *from* your university or college email address to support@honestlyholistic.com with the subject "student" and my team will get back to you with a student discount code you can use.



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